Manatee Documentary
Film Festivals
The next step for ‘Before It’s Too Late - Manatee Documentary’ is film festival submission!
The goal is to reach a wider audience with this film and to possibly get some more recognition for both this documentary, as well as for the plight of the manatee.
Film festival submissions are (unfortunately) - apart from very few- not free. Submission fees range from US$25 - US$200, depending on the festival and the category in which the film is submitted.
We have done a lot of research to determine which film festivals are worth submitting for.
So instead of just going with the ‘big names’, we are looking at festivals that specialize in documentaries or address wildlife/environmental/conservation aspects or are located in areas where we think the topic would be of great interest (such as Florida). Festivals that are among consideration for submission right now include (but are not limited to) Sundance, NY Anthology Film Archives/New Filmmakers Series, Intl. Wildlife Film Festival, Oceanside Intl. Film Festival, Blue Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Event, Ft Myers Film Festival, Ft Lauderdale Intl. Film Festival, Orlando Film Festival, Sarasota Film Festival, AFI Silverdocs Documentary Film Festival, DOC NYC, Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, and Filmmakers for Conservation.
Since we are not making any money off of this film, YOU can help us submit this film to these festivals by making a donation. We will update this section of the website on a continuous basis with news on where the film has been submitted and where it got accepted...and where it might screen!